Blog Boxed Text

A blog based on the grid layout where 
articles look simple and classic.


After more than 70 sold-out shows last Winter, Post Theater will again bring this fairy-tale-architecture (“fairytecture”) back to…

New Workshop in Taipei (September 2019): “Representation of Space in Boardgames, Digital Media and Performing Arts”

post theater will conduct a new workshop (the above title explains it all) in Taipei at The 5th International…


The wonderful architecture and programming teams (led by Tien Ling and Phoebe Hsiao)  at National Chiao Tung University…

Monumental Summer

POST THEATER works parallel on two projects that deal with monuments from the past. Both are tightly connected…

Ukraine Again: Constructivism

After having had a great time working with Sashko Brama on “Oprheus UA” in Lviv, we are getting…