Soon there will be the premiere on Post Theater’s newest creation which deals with the political situation of…
It is impossible to show a video of a performance that is actually two simultaneous performances. We did…
What if you could choose al characteristics and qualities of your personal companion robot? Would you choose to…
Due to illness the June dates had to be canceled. Instead, the performances will take place at the…
So far, Post Theater dealt with animals as subject matter focusing on their impact on human history (fish)…
We are happy to bring SepulTour to a city that is excellent for funeral culture. Halle features a…
Post Theater is in rehearsals again. Only two months to go and “Animal Intelligence” will open in Stuttgart….
Times are changing. Post Theater is now on Instagram. We try to communicate our work via this channel…
FUCHSBAU (FOX DEN) will tour to our wonderful friends of WUK Theaterquartier Halle and Societaetstheater Dresden (venue: Projekttheater…
The Berlin re-run of SPOOKAI is a great success. We have been sold out for all 52 shows…